Introduction Despite the increase in the number of state-of-the-art seismic stations in the world and massive advancements in research on Seismology in the last 100 years. The underlining causes of an Earthquake make the prediction and the prevention almost impossible. The only alternative left in earthquake management is the mitigation of its negative impact and reduction of loss of lives and properties when it occurs. However, a lot of success has been made in the identification of epicenters and risk assessment of different areas of the world. There is a popular phrase, ”A stitch in time saves nine”. We can never err on the side of caution. Earthquake preparation is vital because even though some regions are more prone than others, an Earthquake can occur anywhere. To this day, Seismologists’ ability to predict the time, the exact region, and the magnitude are still far-fetch. For clarity’s sake, we need to define an earthquake and itemize practical steps that can be jeered towards the possibility of an occurrence. We will consider preparation on part of the local authorities, and what to do before, during, and after the earthquake. What is an Earthquake? An Earthquake can be defined as a sudden shaking of the earth’s core due to seismic radiation. These are radiations released when there is a surge of energy stored under the ground. The effect of an earthquake depends on its size. Some earthquakes are not even felt at all. Most earthquakes are natural disasters, but some could be triggered by the activities of a man like mining. Detonation of underground explosives can also trigger an earthquake. This disruption results in buildings and civil structures caving in. pp The earth’s tectonic plate Preparation of an earthquake by Regulatory Bodies Most countries in the world already have their disaster management agency. It is ideal if countries can have a specialized agency that is saddled with the responsibility of providing useful information to the public acquired through scientific research. The agency should collaborate and exchange ideas with other agencies around the world to study, and record Earthquake occurrences and patterns around the world to reduce risk and help their communities build a good defense mechanism. Preparation before an earthquake. An earthquake happens suddenly and without signs or warnings. The following steps are things you can do in anticipation of a possible disaster. A robust preparation can reduce the danger posed due to lives and properties. Secure your Buildings. Most fatalities in an earthquake are occupants of collapsed Buildings. Some die due to injuries sustained, while some trapped in the rumbles die of suffocation, and those not rescued on time starve to death. The need to erect earthquake-proof buildings, especially in susceptible regions is sacrosanct. Existing structures can also be fortified to anti-earthquake standards. Secure your homes. Items that hang on the wall should be protected and fastened with bolts and wall studs to prevent them from falling over. Bulky and weighty items should be arranged on low shelves. Secure your electrical fittings One of the major causes of fire outbreaks during an earthquake is electrical fault-induced fire. Defective electrical connection and wiring should be identified and fixed. All electrical terminals should be properly terminated and cables and breakers should be installed with materials that can withstand shocks. The building earthing should be accessed for conformity to regulatory standards. Identify safe places. A secured place to hide should be carefully considered and chosen. It could be within or outside the home depending on the nature or circumstance at the time of the quake. A place of rendezvous should also be agreed, upon in case of a dispersion. An emergency plan should be planned and an earthquake drill organized occasionally. There should be proper sensitization within the home on earthquakes and their management. Children undergoing Earthquake drills Store Essential supplies. An Emergency kit should be meticulously assembled and copies stored in different secured locations within and outside the house. It should contain the following. 1. First aid kit. 2. TorchLight 3. Medical supplies. 4. Whistles 5. Communication radios 6. Essential supplies like Food, and water that can last for a few days. 7. Fire extinguishers. Response during an earthquake. On Jan 27, 2002, In Lagos Nigeria, a large stockpile of Bombs stored in a military facility accidentally got detonated leading to large explosions. Hundreds of people kilometers away from the scene of the blast got drowned when trying to scamper for safety as they mistakenly plunged into a canal No life was lost due to the explosions but from an irrational response to the blast. When an earthquake happens, you need to stay calm! You act consciously and think wisely because a single wrong move can be fatal or lead to a serious injury that can maim the victim for life. Stay where you are If you are at home it is safer to stay indoors, than if you are outside or driving. It is better to look for remain outdoors and look for a safe shelter that can protect you from falling objects. Avoid staying under a tree or electrical installations. Fall to your knees and support yourself with one arm while the other arm protects your head. Be watchful and hold on in that position till the tremor goes down. After the Quake The devastation caused by an earthquake. Time cannot be reversed so after the siege of an earthquake. Immediately after the earthquake, Rescue efforts commence. If you are in a damaged building, exit immediately and check yourself if you are injured, and seek medical help. Quickly take a headcount of people you can see and identify those missing or trapped. Call the relevant authorities like the paramedics, firefighters, or any relevant agency. Contact family members and loved ones to identify those that might need help. If you are trapped, use your whistle or generate attention by banging a metal surface or send a text to help with your rescue. Expect an aftershock so still be vigilant and be ready to take cover. Check your building for damage and attend to quick fixes. Conclusion Adequate preparation and a well-structured comprehensive emergency plan will not only mitigate the effect of an earthquake but also save lives and reduce the extent of collateral damage to lives and properties.


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